
Learn more about our development.

What are the section sizes?

Stage 1 Release: sections range from 715m² to 3269m² for Lot 14.

When is Title expected?

Stage 1 Title expectation is mid-2025

What is the Ownership Structure?

All properties in Hobbs Bay Estate will be freehold (fee simple) titles. Owners are responsible for 100% of the costs associated with their own property. The roads, wetlands, reserves and parks will be owned by Auckland Council on completion of the subdivision stages. The esplanade reserve (the 20m strip from mean high water springs) is owned and maintained also by the Council. The Heritage Homestead is currently owned by Hobbs Bay Estate Ltd.

Are there building covenants?

Yes, there are building covenants registered on the property title and have been put in place to ensure the quality of building is maintained at a high standard throughout the development.

Are there Design Guidelines?

Yes, The Design Guidelines have been developed to preserve and enhance the value of your property. This will be achieved by way of both landscape and architectural controls, with opportunity for individual creativity still in place.

Do I need approval of my house plans?

Yes, all owners will be required to obtain Design approval of their plans, including landscaping plans before commencing construction. This is prior to applying for a building consent. Any alterations to the home, including alterations to landscaping after approval will need to be submitted for approval also.

What is the minimum size house I can build on the section?

The minimum floor area of your home is 160m², excluding the size of any garage.

What services are available on the sections?

All sections will have fully integrated services provided to the boundary of the property or within the private access to the sections. This will include connection to Auckland Council reticulated services (water, waste, stormwater), electricity and fibre optic communications.

Can I have a swimming pool?

Yes, subject to landscape approval and District Plan approval, a swimming pool is permitted, however not in the front yard.


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